
About Stats Software

Stata is to the iPhone as R is to Android, as far as social science data analysis goes. I guess SAS would be BlackBerry, insofar as it’s dated and propped up by a strong lock-in among government employees. And SPSS is a Nokia phone that has a slick interface for dialing your friends but requires you to push dozens of extra buttons

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Om statistiksoftware

Stata is to the iPhone as R is to Android, as far as social science data analysis goes. I guess SAS would be BlackBerry, insofar as it’s dated and propped up by a strong lock-in among government employees. And SPSS is a Nokia phone that has a slick interface for dialing your friends but requires

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Om post-positivister

Et af de sjoveste blogindlæg længe kan findes ovre på Duck of Minerva. Det handler om post-positivister post-strukturalister post-modernister europæiske akademikere. It is not clear to North American political scientists why critical theorists are so critical considering that they live in Europe. It might be because European political scientists are all unemployed. This is because

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The Wretched of the Earth

What matters today, the issue which blocks the horizon, is the need for a redistribution of wealth. Humanity will have to address this question, no matter how devastating the consequences may be. It was commonly thought that the time had come for the world, and particularly for the Third World, to choose between the capitalist

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The Military-Industrial Complex

It should be mentioned that there’s another element to the military-industrial complex issue, which he [Dwight D. Eisenhower] didn’t bring up. At that time, in the 1950s, as he certainly knew, the Pentagon was funding what became—a lot of Pentagon funding was going into creating what became the next phase of the high-tech economy at

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Carroll til Liverpool?

Paul Ttereve argues: “Surely the Carroll deal is just the kind of deal that Liverpool should be making. He made a hugely impressive England debut and whilst obviously a diamond in the rough he exhibits all the signs of being a hugely talented footballer and he’s YOUNG too.” Yes, sure. It’s just too much money.

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